Statesville Land Development Plan 2045
A lot has changed in our community, region, and nation since 2004. To ensure we are planning for a successful future for our beloved City, Statesville is updating the City’s Land Development Plan (2004). The updated Land Development Plan will guide growth and development for the next 25 years. City leaders and staff will use this plan as a guidebook for making land use and community investment decisions. This new plan will be guided by community input. That’s why we need you to share your ideas and help shape the City’s new plan.
The Planning Process
The planning process includes six distinct phases of work. Following the closure of the public feedback survey in August 2021, this planning process is currently in phase 5, "Adoption". The tentative adoption schedule is as follows:
- January 25, 2022 Feb. 22, 2022 Planning Board Recommendation
- February 7, 2022 March 21, 2022 City Council Public Hearing & First Reading
- February 21, 2022 April 4, 2022 June 6, 2022 City Council Receives updates from March 21 & Considers Adoption
What is a Land Development Plan?
Statesville’s Land Development Plan provides a vision for the City. The plan guides future growth, design of new development, and public investments. The new 2045 Land Development Plan will be tailored for the City’s long-term opportunities and regional economic and market trends. This strategic approach will guide land development through clear goals and implementable actions. Following adoption of the new plan, the goals and strategies will be incorporated into current City codes and ordinances.
Where can I find the Current Plan?
View the Adopted Statesville Land Development Plan 2045 here.
What has happened so far?
Preliminary Reports
Development and Future Land Use Profile
Real Estate Market Analysis Presentation
Economic Development Overview
Public Engagement
August 10, 2021 Open House (Display Boards)
November 10, 2020 Survey Results (Document Link)
How can I get involved?
Please take time to review the draft plan and preliminary reports.
Land Development Plan 2045 Related Documents
Staff Report for February 22, 2022 Planning Board Meeting
Plan Revisions from October 2021 Draft Plan
Development & Land Use Profile
Land Development Plan Change Sheet
LDP Companion Documents:
Development & Land Use Profile