Statesville City Council Meeting 06/06/2022

June 6, 2022
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
Pre-Agenda Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers

I. Call to Order

II. Invocation

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Adoption of the Agenda (Only at Council Meeting)

V. Code of Ethics Pg. 4

VI. Presentations & Recognitions (Only at Council Meeting) Pg. 7
    1. Proclamation – Waste & Recycling Workers Week – June 17, 2022
    2. Proclamation – Juneteenth 2022

VII. Consent Agenda – All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.

A. Consider approving the 04/04/2022 Special Council meeting minutes and the 05/02/2022 Council meeting minutes. (Fugett) Pg. 9 and 14

B. Consider approving Budget Amendment #2022-39 to increase the overall American Rescue Plan Act Fund. (Roberts) Pg. 25

C. Consider approving a transfer of funds from the American Rescue Plan Fund to the General Fund in the amount of $24,372 for reimbursement of the Fiscal Year 2022 Grants Manager salary and benefit expenditures and approve Budget Amendment #2022-40. (Roberts) Pg. 27

D. Consider approving Budget Amendment #2022-41 to increase the overall budget of the Water and Sewer Capital Fund. (Roberts) Pg. 29

E. Consider approving Agricultural Lease Agreements for the property located at the 3rd Creek and 4th Creek Wastewater Treatment Plants. (Vaughan) Pg. 31

F. Consider approving a Resolution directing the City Clerk to Investigate a Petition of Annexation, Receive the City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency, and consider approving a Resolution setting the date of June 20, 2022 for a Public Hearing for the Petition for Annexation of case #AX22-09 SL Statesville, LLC (Wall Street); PIN #’s 4743-69-8546 (portion), 4743-78-1262, 4743-67-9906, 4743-77-2007, 4743-76-3697, 4743-66-3318, 4743-64-4008 & 4743-73-5651. (Ashley) Pg. 57

G. Consider approving 2nd reading of Rezoning Request ZC22-02 for property located on Buffalo Shoals Road, Park Drive and Johnson Drive; Iredell County Tax Parcel Identification #’s 4734-11-0248, 4723-89-7998, 4734-10- 0436, 4734-20-1073, 4734-20-4406 & 4733-09-8888; from R-A (ResidentialAgricultural) District, R-15M (Urban Fringe Low Density Residential/Manufactured Housing) District and HI (Heavy Industrial) District to R-8 MF CZ (Medium Density Multi-Family Residential Conditional Zoning Cluster & Architecturally Integrated Subdivision) District. (Ashley) Pg. 72

H. Consider approving 2nd reading of Rezoning Request ZC22-06 for a property located on Victory Lane; Iredell County Tax Parcel Identification # 4755-25- 2950; from RA (Residential Agricultural) District to LI (Light Industrial) District. (Ashley) Pg. 78

I. Consider approving 2nd reading of Rezoning Request ZC22-08 for properties located on Wall Street; Iredell County Tax Parcel Identification #4743-78- 1262, 4743-64-4008, 4743-73-5651 and 4743-66-3318 (portion); from B-5 (General Business), R-A (Residential Agricultural), R-15M (Urban Fringe Low Density Residential/Manufactured Housing) and Iredell County RA (Residential Agricultural) districts to LI (Light Industrial) District. (Ashley) Pg. 80

J. Consider approving 2nd reading of TA22-01: Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code filed by the City of Statesville to amend Article 3 Zoning, Section 3.04 Zoning District Regulations, Table 3-1: Use Matrix and Section S. B-5 – General Business District. (Ashley) Pg. 83

K. Consider accepting a grant in the amount of $86,346.00 from NCDOT Aviation for the Runway 28 Clearway study, and approving Budget Amendment #2022-38. (Ferguson) Pg. 85

L. Consider approving an increase of $300,000 to the existing Line Crew Labor Contract with Sumter Utilities. (Maclaga) Pg. 102


VIII. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving an economic incentive for an industrial development known as Project Barkley. (IEDC-Bosser/Thomas) Pg. 103

IX. Consider adopting the 2045 Land Development Plan. (Ashley) Pg. 104

X. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving a Resolution of Closure and Declaration of Withdrawal to permanently close a portion of an unopened, dedicated right-of way known as Solstice Drive. (Ashley) Pg. 125

XI. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of an ordinance to annex properties located on Cambridge Place – Annexation Request AX22-07 for PIN #’s 4765-32-6724, 4765-32-5716 & 4765-32-3788 Helmsman Homes LLC Properties. (Ashley) Pg. 139

XII. Staff is requesting that the change of the Rate Schedule for taxi cabs be included in the annual rate review by City Council. (Pierce) Pg. 147

XIII. Consider approving two appointments to the Statesville Regional Airport Commission. (Ferguson) Pg. 150

XIV. Consider authorizing a waiver to § 23-251 of the City Ordinance to allow installation of a septic system. (Vaughan) Pg. 160

XV. Consider appointing two members to the Statesville Convention & Visitors Bureau to fill unexpired terms. (SCVB-Sutton) Pg. 163

XVI. Consider Approval of Budget Ordinance #2023-1. Pg. 168

XVII. City Manager’s Report (Smith)

XVIII. Boards and Commission Updates
    05/11/2022 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes Pg. 168
    05/12/2022 Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes Pg. 170
    04/27/2022 Historic Preservation Commission Called Meeting Minutes Pg. 173
    05/18/2022 Technical Review Committee Meeting Minutes Pg. 179

XIX. Other Business

XX. Closed Session (After Pre-Agenda if needed)
    Economic Incentive - N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(4)
    Prevent the disclosure of privileged information - N.C.G.S. 143.318.11(a)(1)

XXI. Adjournment

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