Storm Drain Marketing Event
Statesville, North Carolina | November 16, 2022
Calling all volunteers! Do you live near Statesville, NC? Do you want to volunteer an hour of time to make a difference to water quality in your community? Join us at the Hidden Lakes community swimming pool lot on Saturday, December 3 at 12PM to help us mark storm drains! What is a storm drain, and why are we marking them? Come on out to learn why! Safety guidelines and volunteer waivers will be provided the day of the event. For questions, please contact: [email protected] Call the City of Statesville’s Stormwater Hotline at 866-4-1-STORM or 704-761-2376: - If you have specific questions about stormwater - If you want to report a stormwater-related problem - If you are interested in participating in or hosting an upcoming Educational opportunity or City-sponsored Stormwater Program Event.