Statesville City Council Meeting 01/09/2023
January 09, 2023
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
Pre-Agenda Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
I Call to Order
II Invocation
III Pledge of Allegiance
IV Adoption of the Agenda
V Code of Ethics - Pg. 4
VI Presentations & Recognitions
1. Proclamation – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Pg. 7
VII Public Comment
VIII Consent Agenda – All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the December 19, 2022 Pre-Agenda and City Council meeting minutes. (Fugett) Pg. 8
B. Consider granting permission to the Statesville Police Department staff to apply for a grant from the NC Governor’s Crime Commission Federal Violence Against Women Act - for up to $135,000 for the purpose of supporting the department’s Domestic Violence Initiative, Victim Advocate, and two Domestic Violence Investigators salaries, fringe benefits, supplies, and training. (Navey) Pg. 15
C. Consider allowing the Statesville Police Department to apply for funding from the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program that will provide fourth year continuation funding of 50% of the $142,950 budget for fiscal year October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024 for salaries and travel/training for two officers in the amount of $71,475, and the required 50% MATCH from the City of Statesville of $71,475 for this fourth and final year of funding. (Navey) Pg. 17
D. Consider approving renewal of a contract with Leah Gaines Messick to continue as the Statesville City Attorney. (Smith) Pg. 18
E. Consider approving a Resolution of Intent to permanently close portions of these streets and alleys; Durham Ave., W. Raleigh Ave., Tenth St., Eleventh St, Alley 1, and Alley 2, and Schedule a Public Hearing for February 20, 2023. (Ashley) Pg. 22
F. Consider approving 2nd reading of Rezoning Request ZC22-24 for property located at the end of Morland Drive; Iredell County Tax Parcel #4743-86-0887 from B-2 CU-36 (Neighborhood Business Conditional Use) District to B-2 CZ (Neighborhood Business Conditional Zoning) District, Change of Conditions. (Ashley) Pg. 33
G. Consider approving 2 nd reading of AX22-18 an ordinance to annex property located at 3511 Cambridge Place, PIN #4765-32-2779; LandQuest Carolinas, LLC property. (Ashley)
H. Consider approving a Resolution to sell the three properties described herein to Habitat for Humanity of the Charlotte Region for the purposes of developing Affordable Housing. (Pierce) Pg. 37
I. Consider authorizing the sale of PIN #4743-39-3938.000 by approving the attached Resolution. (Pierce) Pg. 44
J. Consider approving sole source vendors for the City of Statesville for apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment in accordance with NCGS 143-129(e)(6). (Holman) Pg. 47
K. Consider approving a Ground Lease Estoppel Certificate and an Agreement with GAMA Aviation. (Ferguson) Pg. 53
L. Consider approving two lease agreements with The Lamar Companies. In lieu of paying “rent” on the two properties on which Lamar has signs, the City receives design assistance and six months of billboard display within our community. (Pierce) Pg. 67
M. Consider appropriating fund balance to approve Budget Amendment #2023-24 to pay an economic incentive in the amount of $129,786.23 to Cheney Bros, Inc. (Holman) Pg. 77
IX Announcement and presentation of the Statesville Fire Department’s Insurance Services Office rating from Mike Causey, North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance and State Fire Marshal. (Weatherman) Pg. 79
X Consider approving a Resolution declaring 2023 the Year of the Trail. (Mayor Kutteh) Pg. 80 XI Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of AX22-19, an ordinance to annex the property located on Candy Drive, PIN #4724-62-6702, owned by Locke-Lane Properties LLC (Bristol Terrace). (Ashley) Pg. 82
XII Conduct a public hearing and consider approving a Resolution of Closure and Declaration of Withdrawal to permanently close a portion of Wall Street. (Ashley) Pg. 90
XIII Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of Rezoning Request ZC22- 25 Airport Park for properties located at 2507 and 2511 Newton Drive; Tax Parcel #’s 4724- 72-2785, 4724-71-3753, and 4724-71-7836 portion; from LI (Light Industrial) District to R-10 CZ (Urban Low Density Residential Conditional Zoning) District. (Ashley) Pg. 103
XIV Consider approving 2nd reading of TA22-03: Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code filed by the City of Statesville to amend Articles 1. Administration, Article 2. Page 3 of 3 Development Review Process, Article 3. Zoning, Article 4. Non-Conforming Situations, Article 5. Supplemental Regulations/Performance Standards for Specific Uses, Article 6. Development Standards, Article 8. Public Facilities Requirements, Article 9. Definitions and Article 10. Appendices stamp for plats. (Ashley) Pg. 122
XV Designate a single NCLM Voting Delegate who will cast the municipality’s vote by January 12, 2022. Review, discuss and determine which of the proposed legislative goals your municipality supports. Each municipality may select 10 of the 16 proposed goals. (Smith) Pg. 125
XVI Consider a request from FultonBSH SVNC II, LLC by their legal counsel to apply the alternate industrial street standard on North Barkley Road. (Taylor) Pg. 131
XVII City Manager’s Report XVIII Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes - Pg. 139
1. 11/09/2022 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes
2. 11/17/2022 Historic Preservation Commission Called Meeting Minutes
3. 11/15/2022 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
XIX Other Business
XX Closed Session
XXI Adjournment