Statesville City Council Meeting 06/05/2023
June 5, 2023
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
Special Meeting – Move to Closed Session - 5:00 p.m. – City Hall 3rd Floor Conference Room
Pre-Agenda Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Packet Here
WATCH LIVE {Or Replay} of the FULL City Council Meeting here:
City Council Meeting Agenda Here
I Call to Order
II Invocation
III Pledge of Allegiance
IV Adoption of the Agenda
V Code of Ethics
VI Presentations & Recognitions
1. Proclamation – Juneteenth (June 19, 2023)
2. Proclamation – Waste & Recycling Workers Week (June 17-23, 2023)
VII Presentation – Darbah T. Skaf, Executive Director of the Statesville Housing Authority, will be reviewing a presentation on public housing in Statesville, providing an annual update, and providing an overview of the Housing Symposium that is currently scheduled for June 29 in conjunction with the Centralina Regional Council.
VIII CONSENT AGENDA - All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council meeting requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the May 15, 2023 Pre-Agenda and City Council meeting minutes. (Fugett)
B. Consider renewing the Lake Norman Regional Transportation Commission Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and adopting the second amendment to the MOU. (Ashley)
C. Consider approving 2nd reading of AX23-07, an ordinance to annex PIN #4753-99-3612, a property located at 413 Twin Oaks Road submitted by Clayton Homes of Statesville. (Ashley)
D. Consider approving 2nd reading of TA23-07, Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code to amend Article 3 Zoning, Section 3.04 Zoning District Regulations; Table 3-1 Use Matrix. Article 5. Supplemental Regulations Performance/Standards for Specific Uses, Section 5.04 Primary Uses and Structures, to include subsection III. Tobacco Shops; Article 6. Development Standards, Section 6.05 Lighting, 1-4; and amend definitions section for: Hookah, Vape, E-Cigarette, Cigar and Cigarette Shop/Lounge, Tobacco Paraphernalia and Tobacco Product to address the lighting standards and zoning districts pertaining to such uses. (Ashley)
E. Consider approving 2nd reading of rezoning request ZC23-05, Greenbriar Ridge, Tax Parcel #4754-23-6335; proposal for a major amendment to the concept plan for the rezoning of approximately 87.39 acres located on E. Greenbriar Road; zoned R-8CZ Cluster for the Greenbriar Ridge subdivision. (Ashley)
F. Consider approving 2nd reading of an ordinance to prohibit camping and improper use of City property. (Onley)
G. Consider authorizing a waiver to § 8.03 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to allow installation of a septic system. (Vaughan)
H. Consider approving the update of the City’s Water Shortage Response Plan. (Vaughan)
I. Consider approving the semi-annual write-off of approximately $119,798.19 in utility accounts. (Holman)
J. Consider approving Budget Amendment #2023-35 to transfer FY23 taxes collected for the Woods Drive Dam tax district to the General Capital Reserve fund and appropriate related expenditures. (Holman)
IX Conduct a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget. (Holman)
X Conduct a public hearing on the financing proposal for the Municipal Operations Center and Fire Station 1 and independently adopt two Resolutions in support of this issuance. (Smith)
XI Consider approving a Revised Resolution of Closure and Revised Declaration of Withdrawal to permanently close a portion of Wall Street. (The public hearing was held at the May 15 meeting) (Harrod)
XII Consider a request from Council Member Fred Foster and Council Member Doris Allison to create and distribute a Request for Proposals to develop a grocery store on the City owned property at 1809 Shelton Avenue (4743074191) and 1832 Amity Hill Road (4743064970).
XIII City Manager’s Report
XIV Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes
04/05/2023 Technical Review Committee Meeting Minutes
04/25/2023 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
04/26/2023 Design Review Committee Called Meeting Minutes
04/27/2023 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
05/02/2023 Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes
05/11/2023 Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes
XV Other Business
XVI Closed Session
XVII Adjournment