Statesville City Council Meeting 12/04/2023
December 4, 2023
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
6:00 p.m. - Pre-Agenda Meeting – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting - City Hall Council Chambers
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Agenda Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Amended Agenda Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Packet Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Amended Packet Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Minutes
WATCH LIVE {Or Replay} of the FULL City Council Meeting here:
Meeting Agenda:
I Call to Order
II Invocation
III Pledge of Allegiance
IV Adoption of the Agenda
V Code of Ethics
VI Presentations & Recognitions
1. Recognition of Council Member Fredrick Foster’s Service to Ward 6
ADD: Recognition of Oakwood Middle School Volleyball Team
2. Leadership Statesville Project Presentation
Oakwood Middle School Volleyball Team Recognition:
Leadership Statesville Project Presentation:
VII CONSENT AGENDA All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider passing the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC23-16 for property located on Wallace Springs Road, between Old Mountain Road and Arey Road; Iredell County Tax Parcel # 4732-17-8390; from Iredell County RA to City of Statesville R-8. (Caulder)
B. Consider passing the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC23-17 for properties located on Wilkesboro Highway and Northside Drive, between Interstate 40 and Quarry Road; Iredell County Tax Parcel #’s 4735-42-1640 (portion), 4735-42-0282, 4735-32-0357; from B-2 (Neighborhood Business) & B-4 (Highway Business) Districts to B-5 CZ. (Caulder)
C. Consider passing the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC23-18 for properties located between Wall Street and McLaughlin Street, Statesville, NC; Tax ID #’s 4743-58-5449, 4743-48-9562, 4743-59-4412, 4743-59-9721, 4743-59-9626, 4743-48-9990 (partial), 4743-59-6785 & 4743-59-2495; from R-15M (Urban Fringe Low Density Residential/Manufactured Housing) and R-5M (High Density Single Family/Manufactured Housing Residential) Districts to R-5MF CZ (High Density Multi Family Residential Conditional Zoning) District. (Ashley)
VIII Other business
IX Adjournment
I. Call to Order
II. Swearing in of the newly elected Council members David Jones, Amy Lawton, and Lisa Pearson by Superior Court Judge Joseph N. Crosswhite.
III. Election of Mayor Pro-Tempore
IV. Consent Agenda All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving a Resolution to adopt the 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Schedule. (Smith)
B. Consider appointing applicant Donna Thomas to the Stormwater Advisory Commission. (Moore)
C. Consider allowing staff to work with our State Legislators to amend a North Carolina House Bill to allow the City to enter into hanger lease terms of up to thirty-five years. (Ferguson)
D. Consider approving a contract with Parrish and Partners, LLC for three years as the Statesville Regional Airport Consultants. (Ferguson)
E. Consider accepting local funds from Iredell County and approving Budget Amendment # 2024-17 to correct Budget Amendment #2024-08. (Ferguson)
F. Consider approving a request from Statesville Police Department (SPD) to receive grant funding from US Department of Justice - Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program for three (3) years that will provide funding for FY October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2026 for 75% of salaries for four (4) new officer positions in the amount of $452,715 with match provided by City of Statesville of $150,905 and request the approval of Budget Amendment #2024-18. (Onley)
G. Consider approving the Amendment to the Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Real Property between the City of Statesville and Mitchell Community College for 30 acres of the Third Creek WWTF property. (Pierce)
Regular Agenda
V. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving an economic incentive for industrial development known as Project G40. (Bosser)
VI. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of AX23-16, an ordinance to annex the Giant Oak LLC (Wallace Springs Phase II) property located on Wallace Springs Road. (Ashley)
VII. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of AX23-18, an ordinance to annex the 1SourceProperties LLC property located at 211 Marble Road. (Ashley) VIII. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of AX23-19, an ordinance to annex the Faw Property (Statesville Gateway) located on Turnersburg Hwy 19 for PIN #’s 4746-40-6187, 4746-41-5424, 4746-41-6753, 4746-41-4886, 4746-42-5269, 4746-42-5496, 4746-42-6636, 4746-42-6758, 4746-42-6982, and 4746-42-7865. (Ashley)
IX. Consider receiving a presentation of the Unified Development Code Analysis as part of the 2045 Land Development Plan update. (Ashley)
X. Consider approving updates to the Special Event Permit Policy, creating the Downtown Statesville Rental Area, and updating the fee schedule. (Griggs)
XI. Consider authorizing staff to solicit construction bids for improvements at the intersection of W. Water Street, W. End Avenue, and N. Meeting Street. (Taylor)
XII City Manager’s Report
XIII Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes
1. 09/13/2023 Airport Commission Minutes
2. 09/28/2023 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting
3. 10/11/2023 Airport Commission Minutes
4. 10/26/2023 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
XIV Other Business
XV Closed Session