Statesville Planning Board 12/19/2023 Meeting Agenda
DATE: December 19, 2023
TO: Statesville Planning Board
FROM: Herman Caulder, Assistant Planning Director 704-878-3577
CC: Sherry Ashley, Planning Director
SUBJECT: Regular Scheduled Meeting
The Statesville Planning Board will hold a meeting on December 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 227 South Center Street, Statesville, NC
1. Welcome
2. Approve Minutes from 10/3/23 and 10/24/23.
3. ZC23-22 Courtesy Hearing for a rezoning application filed by Ben Krokson; Iredell County Tax Parcel #‘s 4733-94-1904, 4733-95-1123, and 4733-94-2993; request to rezone property located at 140, 142, and 2022 Sir George Circle; from B-5 (General Business) District to R-8 (Medium Density Single-Family Residential) District, to allow the houses to continue to be used as a residential dwelling.
4. Other Business
5. Adjourn