Statesville Historic Preservation Commission February 22, 2024 Meeting Agenda
DATE: February 15, 2024
TO: Statesville Historic Preservation Commission
CC: Sherry Ashley, Planning Director; Herman Caulder, Assistant Planning Director
FROM: Marci Sigmon, Planner II
SUBJECT: Regular Meeting
The Statesville Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a regular meeting on February 22, 2024 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held in the city council chambers on the 2nd Floor in City Hall, 227 S Center Street.
1. Welcome
2. Roll Call & Swearing In
3. Review and approval of Januart 25, 2023 HPC Minutes.
4. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-04) from RN Homes, LLC for after-the-fact approvals to remove one window; modify the size of a second window, remodel a screened-in porch area to create a closet; remove rear exit stairs and covering and build a new deck, new deck cover and new stairs; paint the brick foundation of the house; and before-the-fact approval to remove the metal shingles and place asphalt shingles on the roof on the structure located at 613 South Mulberry Street; Tax Map 4734-93- 6147.
5. Other Business
6. Adjournment
NOTE: Please call Marci Sigmon at 704-878-3578 or email Marci at [email protected] if you have any questions related to this meeting or Certificate of Appropriateness considerations. Thank you.