Statesville City Council Meeting 05/20/2024
May 20, 2024
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
6:00 p.m. - Pre-Agenda Meeting – 2nd Floor Conference Room
7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting - Council Chambers
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Agenda Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Amended Agenda Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Packet Here
DOWNLOAD FULL Additional Packet Item ZC24-05 Second Reading Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Minutes Here
WATCH LIVE {Or Replay} of the FULL City Council Meeting here:
Meeting Agenda:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda
V. Code of Ethics
VI. Presentations & Recognitions
1. Public Works Week Proclamation
VII. Public Comment
VIII. CONSENT AGENDA All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the May 6, 2024 Pre-Agenda and City Council meeting minutes. (E. Kurfees)
B. Consider approving a resolution setting the Public Hearing Procedures and Rules of Decorum and consider approving a resolution updating the Public Comment Procedure for the Statesville City Council Meetings. (E. Kurfees)
C. Consider approving the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC24-06 for Ryan Steigerwalt property located at 181 Hill Haven Road, Statesville, NC; Iredell County Tax Parcel # 4733-51-9675; from Iredell County R-20 (Rural Residential) District to R-20 (Suburban Residential) District. (Hooper)
D. Consider approving a resolution directing the City Clerk to Investigate a petition of annexation for AX24-05 Ryan Steigerwalt Property located at 181 Hill Haven Road; Receive the Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; and Consider approving a resolution fixing a date of June 3, 2024, for a public hearing for the petition of annexation. (Hooper)
E. Consider approving a resolution directing the City Clerk to Investigate a petition of annexation for AX24-06 River Hills PUD located on Hwy 64 between East Broad Street and River Hill Road PIN #’s 4765-35-4650, 4765-25-4828, 4765-36-6083, 4765-36-6114 and 4765-36-9412; Receive the City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; and Consider passing a resolution fixing a date of June 3, 2024, for the public hearing for the annexation. (Hooper)
F. Consider approving the City of Statesville Electric Department to apply for the POWER Up Grant (Preventing Outages while Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid) issued by the Department of Environmental Quality, States Energy Office. (Leis)
G. Consider accepting the annual Non-Primary Entitlement (NPE) Grant from NCDOT Aviation Division in the amount of $166,000 for professional services representing 100% of the costs and approving Budget Amendment #2024-31. (Ferguson)
H. Consider approving $217,131 and an additional $25,000 for FAA inspection from funds from the Transportation Directed Funds (TRDF) allocated by the State Legislature to modify the airport instrument landing system equipment in order to pass FAA inspection. (Ferguson)
I. Consider designating excess investment revenue for design services for Phases 3 and 4 of the Municipal Operations Center project and approving Budget Amendment 2024-XX. (Harrell)
J. Consider accepting a bid from J. Crumby Construction Company, Inc. for the South Yadkin River Pump Station Repair Project. (Vaughan)
K. Consider approving Budget Amendment #2024-30 to accept the bid for the Third Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Valve Repair. (Vaughan)
L. Consider approving the semi-annual write-off of approximately $86,987.55 in utility accounts. (Carr)
M. Consider passing a Resolution of Intent to permanently close a portion of an unopened alley from a 1945 plat that runs along W. Raleigh Avenue from 8th Street to 9th Street and schedule a public hearing for July 15, 2024. (Kirkendall)
N. Consider approving a Supplemental Agreement for Professional Services with Parrish and Partners in the amount of $116,555.06 for Right-of-Way Acquisition for the Bethlehem Road Relocation Project. (Ashley)
O. Consider approving a professional services agreement with CodeWright Planners, LLC to update the City’s Unified Development Code for $148,500. (Ashley)
Add. Consider passing the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC24-05 for property located on Salisbury Highway between Bell Farm Road and John Long Road, Statesville, NC; Iredell County Tax Parcel #’s 4763-76-8712; from Iredell County RA (Residential Agricultural) District to City of Statesville LI (Light Industrial) District. (Caulder)
IX. Statesville Travel and Tourism Presentation (Sutton)
X. Conduct a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget. (Carr)
XI. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of an ordinance to annex AX23-17 the Fort Dobbs LLC (James Farm Mini Storage) property located on James Farm Road. (Kirkendall)
XII. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of an ordinance to annex AX24-03 the CWC Land Acquisitions property located at 125 Long Meadow Road PIN # 4763-76-8712. (Kirkendall)
XIII. Consider passing the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC23-24 Warren Woods; for properties located on Mocksville Highway between Warren Road and Pecan Tree Lane, Statesville, NC; Tax ID #’s 4765-86-5662, 4765-68-8322, 4765-94-2747, 4765-79-2887, 4765-79-5383 & PORTION OF 4765-84-7036 and 4765-79-7173; from Iredell County R-20 (Single-Family Residential) District to R-8 CZ (Medium Density Single-Family Residential Conditional Zoning) District. (Caulder)
XIV. City Manager’s Report
XV. Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes
1. 2024-03-20 Historic Preservation Commission Called Meeting Minutes
2. 2024-04-11 Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes
3. 2024-04-26 Design Review Committee Called Meeting Minutes
XVI. Other Business
XVII. Closed Session
XVIII. Adjournment