Statesville Historic Preservation Commission
DATE: June 20, 2024
TO: Statesville Historic Preservation Commission
CC: Sherry Ashley, Planning Director; Herman Caulder, Assistant Planning Director
FROM: Marci Sigmon, Planner II
SUBJECT: Regular Meeting
The Statesville Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a regular meeting on June 27th, 2024, beginning at 7:00pm. The meeting will be located at 227 South Center Street in the Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor.
1. Welcome
2. Roll Call
3. Review and approval of April 25, 2024 HPC Minutes.
4. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-16) from Jae and Melonie Ellenburg to revise an item on the approved addition to the structure located at 419 Davie Avenue; Tax Map 4744-17-5536.
5. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-17) from First Presbyterian Church of Statesville to place two fences on the property located 125 North Meeting Street; Tax Map 4734-95-1924.
6. Consider continuing Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-03) from J K Q Anh Le, represented by Carolina Roofing Pro’s, LLC, to rebuild two chimneys and remove one chimney on the structure located at 649 West Front Street; Tax Map 4734-74-4051.
7. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-15) from Gwinnett Holdings LLC, represented by Seema Jay, for an after-the-fact approval to demolish the rear accessory garage structure on the property located at 522 South Race Street; Tax Map 4734-82-3999.
8. Consider continuing Certificate of Appropriateness (COA22-27) from Gwinnett Holdings LLC, represented by Seema Jay, to rebuild two chimneys, replace the existing metal shingles with new metal shingles, and retain the parging installed on the foundation on the structure located at 522 South Race Street; Tax Map 4734-82-3999.
9. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-18) from Gwinnett Holdings LLC, represented by Seema Jay, for an after-the-fact approval to remove three windows on the structure located at 522 South Race Street; Tax Map 4734-82-3999.
10. Other Business
11. Adjournment