Year in Review 2024, Statesville Mayor Costi Kutteh

Last Updated 12/17/2024Posted in Latest City News, Homepage, City Council

2024 has been another great year in the City of Statesville. Local government is a team sport and many folks – past and present – have contributed to getting our City to its current, enviable place. Growth is everywhere! It appears nearly every available residential lot has a new home on it, new business and industry – with new jobs – abound.

We have more municipal projects – many made possible by excellent grant writing, along with support of state and federal elected officials – than at any one time in our long history. The same people who complained about low growth are now clamoring for us to put on the brakes. With our extensive water, storm water, and sewer capacities and ownership of our electric distribution system, we are well positioned for even more orderly growth.

However, I wish to spend more time talking about Statesville’s people – our staff, our city council and our citizens. Day after day, year after year – my pride and appreciation for our 500+ employees grow deeper and stronger. Our employees enjoy their work, care for each other and for our city, and try to always accommodate our citizens’ needs.

This starts with Ron Smith, who conscientiously and compassionately leads us by his excellent example. He has assembled a senior management team of talented, visionary leaders, who generally look for ways to say “yes” rather than “no” to citizens’ requests. Often, the answers are not obvious or immediate, but usually the response is thoughtful and accurate.

Our council members come from unique backgrounds and life experiences, which leads to more comprehensive decision-making. I would much rather serve on a council, such as ours, where all points are heard, acknowledged and respected and then decisions are made. During my entire tenure as an elected official in Statesville I have hoped that the majority is always correct, even when I am in the minority. At the core of our council decisions, we should, first and foremost, want what is best for All of our citizens.

Our citizens display every day an unparalleled passion and compassion for all human kind. Hurricane Helene provided a shining example of that. Thousands of folks, representing hundreds of organizations, continue to aid in the recovery. Our police, fire and electric departments were among the first on the scene to help. Our water resources department sent 128,000 gallons of desperately needed drinkable water to our neighbors to our west. What a shining example of our City of Statesville team at work.

Without question, the most unbelievable display of the Statesville Spirit through its people started with one humble person who wanted folks to help him take 10 loads of supplies to Western North Carolina. A post to friends led to an invitation from our Airport Manager to use Statesville Regional Airport as a collection and distribution center. Over the next 8 days, 2640 flights departed from or arrived at our airport - more than all the flights from and to Charlotte over the same period. Our effort was the single largest effort from anywhere providing Helene relief. Let’s not forget the continuing, long term needs of our neighbors to the west.

Second, the community response to the tragic accident involving Corporal Hoover must be acknowledged. The loss of 4 lives and injuries to 4 others remind us of the dangers faced by those that protect and serve. Unfortunately, during the period of Corporal Hoover’s convalescence, tragedy struck the family of a beloved Statesville police officer. Many paid our respects by attending the funeral services. Among those present were Corporal Hoover and his spouse. What better way is there to exhibit the love, support and respect our citizens have for one another.

A third event capturing the Statesville Spirit was a military makeover sponsored by Purple Heart Homes. In an 8 day period (remember the significance of that number?), a home on Forest Park Drive was transformed for the family of a wounded veteran. At the closing ceremony, I presented Montel Williams a key to the City. He was visibly moved by the Statesville Spirit the entire team received and indicated the team had NEVER experienced what they did here.

And, all the while, we continued the work of a modern, North Carolina City. We conducted food drives, our Fire Department was reaccredited, police and fire held a joint Public Safety academy, street and sidewalks were paved, about 600 building permits will be issued, 49th Carolina Balloonfest, 3rd Tourism Summit, 34 consecutive years of Finance Department Awards, 9th Stop the Violence event, a new city podcast and 632 events at the Civic Center and hundreds more were conducted throughout the year.

And that 632nd event at the Civic Center will be a New Years Eve event celebrating 25 years of operation of that beautiful facility. I hope you will join us as we mark the start of 2025 and the next 25 years of our Civic Center. (Learn more here.)

2025 will bring changes. We will move our municipal election to November and we will begin the process of staggered terms for at large council members. I guarantee there will be many other changes throughout the year - some expected and others yet unknown.

My wish for all of you is for a festive holiday season and a joyous and prosperous 2025.

Be kind, be humble and have fun.

Statesville Mayor Costi Kutteh

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