City of Statesville Employee Benefits

Current City Openings

Welcome Current + Potential City Employees!

The Human Resources Department administers the City's Health and Welfare benefits plans for all active employees, retirees and their dependents. The Human Resources Department serves as a liaison between members and the various carriers who are under contract to provide benefits to the City.

When you join the City of Statesville, your benefits are an important part of your “total rewards” package. Your benefits impact many aspects of your life including your health, your finances, and the protection of your family. The City provides a comprehensive benefits package to support you through important events in your life, to enhance your life outside work, and to help you plan and prepare for the future. Benefits are subject to City Council yearly approval.

Benefits are provided to City employees in full time positions and part-time with benefit positions (working minimum of 30 hours a week).

City of Statesville Insurance Benefits:

Health Insurance

The city offers one health plan with Blue Cross, Blue Shield of NC – PPO – Blue Options plan. Coverage begins the 1st of the month following hire date. BCBSNC provides a website where employees can access a benefit summary, explanation of benefits, print a temporary card and various other information relative to covered individuals on the City's health plan. The site also contains wellness information and other helpful information for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Dependents are eligible for coverage under the plan for the following monthly premiums:

Medical Bi-Weekly Premiums: (City Pays $550.00 per pay period, per employee)

Current EmployeesWith Wellness ScreeningWithout Wellness Screening
Employee Only$0.00$12.80
Employee + Spouse$325.00$337.80
Employee + Child(ren)$140.00$152.80
Employee + Family$405.00$417.80

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is available with Delta Dental (PPO/Premier). Please see the above Employee Benefits Guide for coverage information and costs.

Life Insurance

City employees currently receive two times their annual salary (does not include overtime earnings), up to a maximum of $300,000, in life insurance provided through the City by Standard Insurance Company. In addition, employees are eligible for a death benefit through the North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System in the amount of one times the annual salary but no less than $25,000 and no more than $50,000.

Retirement and Deferred Compensation Benefits

North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System (LGERS)

Benefit eligible employees are members of the LGERS and must contribute six percent of their salary (pre-tax) to this program. An equivalent share is contributed by the City. If an employee leaves employment prior to vesting in the system (five years), the employee may request a refund of contributions through the LGERS. Coverage in the retirement system begins immediately upon employment and employee will vest in benefits upon the completion of five years of service. Retirement credit also transfers to other LGERS covered employers. LGERS provides an excellent web site to assist employees in reviewing their retirement information and planning for retirement. You may access this site now by clicking the link to set up your user account.

North Carolina 401K Plan

Eligible employees may join the North Carolina Supplemental Retirement Income Plan, commonly referred to as the NC 401(k) Plan. The plan allows employees to save part of their income toward retirement through a pre-tax contribution. The Plan is offered along with other deferred compensation options on a voluntary basis. The city offers a 100% match, up-to 5% of annual salary. The city also contributes an additional 5% (no-match required) to the Law Enforcement Officer’s 401(k).

Social Security

Employees are required to participate in the Social Security system (FICA) with the City sharing equally in the cost of the program. Coverage begins immediately upon employment. Currently, the employee and the City contribute equal shares in the amount of 6.2 percent of OASDI benefits and 1.45 percent for medicare benefits.


Benefit eligible employees earn vacation leave based on length of service. The amount earned starts at twelve days per year and increases with service time up to a maximum of twenty days per year. As of the payroll each year with first day of the new year within, employees can carry forward a maximum balance of time based on length of service. Hours above the balance at this pay period will convert to sick leave. Earnings start during the first full month of employment but leave is not available for use until an employee completes six months of employment. Half the full time amount is earned by part time employees.

Sick Leave

The City provides benefit eligible employees twelve days of sick leave each year and there is no maximum amount that can be accumulated. As a result, retention of sick leave is an excellent insurance program against short-term or long-term illnesses and should not be abused. Unused sick leave balances may be used to supplement years of service upon retirement thereby increasing retirement benefits. An employee must be employed by the fifteenth of a month to earn benefits for that month but leave is not available for use until an employee completes six months of employment. Half the full time amount is earned by part time employees. Newly hired employees may transfer a limited amount of their existing sick leave balance to the City if they are coming from another North Carolina governmental entity.


The City observes eleven paid holidays per year. Coverage begins immediately upon employment. The employee must work or be on approved paid leave, the day before and the day after a holiday to receive pay for the holiday. The twelve (12) paid holidays observed are:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
  • Good Friday (Friday prior to Easter Sunday)
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veteran's Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and the Friday afterwards
  • Christmas (2 days)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The City provides assistance for employees to help deal with personal or work-related concerns. EAP is confidential is available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year by calling MYgroup at 800-633-3353.

Inclement Weather Policy

City offices and departments shall remain open for the full scheduled working day unless authorization for early closing or other deviation is received from the City Manager's office. All departments and offices will be given as much notice as possible of any authorized early closings. Employees who leave work before an official early closing time, as well as employees who report for work late or do not report for work at all, will be required to use earned vacation leave, compensatory leave or leave without pay for the days or hours taken.

Upcoming City Events:

Displaying 53 Events:
Celebrate 16 Years of Fitness and Fun with Spirit Week a...
Feb 20, 2025
5:30 AM EST
1875 Simonton Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
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Celebrate 16 Years of Fitness and Fun with Spirit Week a...
Feb 21, 2025
5:30 AM EST
1875 Simonton Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
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Auto Belay Certification at the Statesville Recreation &...
Feb 27, 2025
7:30 PM EST
1875 Simonton Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
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