Finance Department

The City of Statesville Finance Department provides oversight and coordination of the entire finance function, which includes Accounting, Payroll, Purchasing, Utility Billing, Collections, and Information Technology; retains ultimate responsibility for keeping the accounts of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; disburses all funds in strict compliance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, and efficiently procuring goods and services to support city activities; prepares statements of financial condition; supervises the receipt, deposit, and investment of City funds; and maintains records concerning bonded debt and other obligations of the City.

Budgets and Audits:

  • Here you will find copies of the last three yearly budgets and audits.

Administration and Accounting Personnel:

  • Payroll - Administers the City payroll to ensure the correctness of the payroll process among other duties. This position responds to inquiries regarding W 2 replacements and other City payroll items.
  • Accounts Payable - Administers the City accounts payable and miscellaneous receivables. This position performs inquiries regarding vendor payments, IRS forms 1099 and W 9s, and retainages.
  • Accountant - This position performs the internal control function, financial processing, and bank reconciliation among other duties. This position works in conjunction with the other City departments regarding assessments, CDBG Home Loans, and other federal and state grants.

Tax Information

  • Iredell County manages the collection of taxes for the City of Statesville.

Upcoming City Events:

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