Statesville City Council Meeting 07/15/2024
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
July 11, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. - Pre-Agenda Meeting – 2nd Floor Conference Room
July 15, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting - Council Chambers
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Agenda Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Packet Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Minutes
WATCH LIVE {Or Replay} of the FULL City Council Meeting here:
Meeting Agenda:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda
V. Code of Ethics
VI. Presentations & Recognitions
1. Recognition of the Boys and Girls Club
VII. Public Comment
VIII.CONSENT AGENDA All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the June 17, 2024 Pre-Agenda and City Council meeting minutes. (E. Kurfees)
B. Consider approving a contract with Locke-Lane Construction, Inc. for the Sunningdale Lane Culvert Replacement and allocating $538,220 from the current Stormwater Budget for the cost of construction. (Moore)
C. Consider adding multiple streets in the Hidden Lakes Subdivision to the City’s street maintenance system. (Taylor)
D. Consider adding West Cloaninger Avenue (approximately 805') to the City's Street Maintenance system contingent upon NCDoT Transferring maintenance responsibilities to the City of Statesville through the North Carolina Board of Transportation. (Taylor)
E. Consider approving receipt of a grant in the amount of $450,000 for safety improvements to the Statesville Regional Airport runway. (Ferguson)
F. Consider approving a resolution of intent and fixing a date of August 5, 2024, for a public hearing for the ordinance to change the terms of the at-large City Council Members and move the election date from October 2025 to November 2025. (E. Kurfees)
G. Consider adopting a resolution to affix the terms, conditions, and rate for the interfund loan from the Electric Fund to the General Fund. (Carr)
H. Consider approving a resolution directing the City Clerk to investigate a petition of annexation for AX24-09 Briarwood (Formerly Stamey Ridge) PIN #’s 4724-37-3635, 4724-37-4391, 4724-17-7325, 4714-96-8747, 4724-04-0148, 4714-94-9622, 4714-94-8823, and 4714-95-0673 filed by Alex Bonda on behalf of Prestige Corporate Development, LLC, for properties located along Interstate 40, between Gilbert Road and Westminster Drive; Receive City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; and Consider passing a resolution fixing a date of August 5, 2024, for a public hearing for the petition for annexation. (Kirkendall)
I. Consider approving Utility Partners of America, Inc. for a purchase order amount of $1,500,000.00 for for term 3 (three) of 5 (five) total contract terms. (Leis)
J. Consider approving the demolition of the structure located at 510 Armfield Street. (Sigmon)
K. Consider approving Budget Amendment #2025-02 in the amount of $295,000.00 to complete the New Fire Station 1 project. (Bridges)
L. Consider approving the first reading of an ordinance to replace §23.198.4 (b) (2) Surcharge for Sewer Treatment in the City Code. (Vaughan)
IX. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing a Resolution of Closure and Declaration of Withdrawal to permanently close a portion of an unopened alley from a 1945 plat that runs along W. Raleigh Avenue from 8th Street to 9th Street. (Kirkendall)
X. Consider passing the second reading of Rezoning Request ZC24-10 for property located at 3419 Taylorsville Highway, Statesville, NC; Iredell County Tax Parcel # 4725-33-7221; To rezone from B-5 (General Business) District to R-15 (Urban Fringe Low Density Residential) District. (Caulder)
XI. Consider approving a contract with United Way of Iredell County to participate in the Iredell Housing Fund. (Pierce)
XII. Consider two appointments to the Statesville Regional Airport Commission. (Ferguson)
XIII. Consider appointing Cody Leis as the Commissioner, Ron Smith as the first alternate, and Council Member Amy Lawton as the second alternate for the NCMPA1 Board of Commissioners and have the new members take the oath of office. (Smith)
XIV. City Manager’s Report
XV. Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes
1. 2024-03-26 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
2. 2024-04-10 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes
3. 2024-04-23 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
4. 2024-04-25 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
5. 2024-05-08 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes
XVI. Other Business
XVII. Closed Session (Following Pre-Agenda)
XVIII. Adjournment