Planning + Zoning

The Statesville Planning + Zoning Department is responsible for current planning and long-range planning efforts. Current planning involves projects related to zoning, development review, architectural and appearance review, as well as permitting and other activities. Long-range planning involves the creation and enforcement of plans for the entire City as well as special areas related to future growth and development. Through planning we seek to enhance the quality of life of our residents.

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Unified Development Code 

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2019 Mobility & Development Plan

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2045 Land Development Plan

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Additional Statesville Planning + Zoning Information

*Click on the appropriate link below for additional details or to learn more

Board of Adjustment Application for Variance / Appeal

Applications for a variance/appeal must be completed in full and returned to the Planning Department.

Downtown Design Review CommitteeThe Downtown Design Review Committee was established in 2008.
Historic Planning CommitteeThe Statesville Historic Preservation Committee was established in 1982.

Iredell County Interactive Zoning Map

The Iredell County Geographic Information System (GIS) Zoning Map is approved at the time that the local legislature adopts a zoning ordinance. On this map, the zoning district lines are overlaid on a street map of the community. This map divides the community into districts. Each district will carry a designation that refers to the zoning code regulations for that district. By referring to this map, it is possible to identify the use district within which any parcel of land is located. Then, by referring to the text of the zoning code, it is possible to discover the uses that are permitted within that district and the dimensional restrictions that apply to building on that land. The zoning map, implemented through the text of the ordinance, constitutes a blueprint for the development of the community over time.

North Carolina State Building Code

The North Carolina Building Codes are promulgated by the North Carolina Building Code Council (BCC) and are interpreted and enforced by the Engineering Section.

Minimum Housing Standards

The purpose of minimum housing code inspections are to ensure the safety and welfare of City residents by making sure housing is fit for human habitation.

Route 2 Recreation

The Route 2 Recreation Statesville Recreation and Parks Master Plan is a long-range planning document that is meant to help shape the direction, development, and delivery of the City’s recreation and parks facilities over the course of the next 10 years. Based on a comprehensive planning approach, this plan considers previous planning documents, department goals, existing conditions, and an assessment of needs to provide a framework for the department vision, recommendations, and prioritization strategies.


The City of Statesville is part of the Charlotte Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO). It is the CRTPO's responsibility to coordinate transportation policy for local governmental jurisdictions within the Charlotte Urbanized Area.

Upcoming/ongoing projects include Interstate 77 & Interstate 40 Interchange project, East Broad Street improvements, Connector Road (Sullivan Road to Brookdale Drive), and Five Points intersection improvements. 

Upcoming City Events:

Displaying 104 Events:
Healing Steps Line Dance
Dec 03, 2024
1:00 PM EDT
1875 Simonton Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
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Blood Drive with the American Red Cross
Dec 05, 2024
9:00 AM EST
1875 Simonton Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
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Downtown Statesville Christmas Tree Lighting
Dec 05, 2024
6:00 PM EST
104 Court St., Ste B
Statesville, NC 28677
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Latest Statesville Planning + Zoning News:

City of Statesville Legal Notice: Public Hearing June 17... That the City Council of the City of Statesville will hold and conduct public hearings on the 17th day of June 2024, at 7:00 o’clock p.m...
Request for Qualifications: Updates to the Unified Devel... The City of Statesville invites qualified, professional firm(s) or organization(s) who can assist the city in its efforts to update, mod...
Statesville Land Development Plan 2045A lot has changed in our community, region, and nation since 2004. To ensure we are planning for a successful future for our beloved Cit...

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