Statesville City Council Meeting 09/16/2024
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
September 12, 2024 - 4:00 p.m. - Pre-Agenda Meeting – 2nd Floor Conference Room
September 16, 2024 - 6:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting - Council Chambers
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Agenda Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Packet Here
DOWNLOAD FULL City Council Meeting Minutes - COMING SOON
WATCH LIVE {Or Replay} of the FULL City Council Meeting here:
Meeting Agenda:
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda
V. Code of Ethics
VI. Presentations & Recognitions
1. Constitution Week Proclamation
2. Suicide Prevention Month Proclamation
VII. Public Comment
VIII. CONSENT AGENDA All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the August 15, 2024, Pre-Agenda and August 19, 2024, City Council meeting minutes. (E. Kurfees)
B. Consider approving request from Statesville Police Department (SPD) to receive grant funding from North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program (GHSP) for year-five (5) that will provide 25% funding for FY October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025 for salaries and travel/training for two existing officers in the amount of $43,108 with 75% MATCH provided by City of Statesville of $129,324, along with approval of a Local Government Resolution to accept the GHSP grant, signing Agreement of Conditions, and approving Budget Amendment # 2025-05. (Navey)
C. Consider approving the sole source vendors for the City of Statesville for apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment in accordance with NCGS 143-129 (e) (6). (Carr)
D. Consider accepting Amendment #2 to the Engineer Services Agreement for the Watermain Replacement Project. (Vaughan).
E. Consider approving a resolution required to accompany a grant application to the NC Division of Water Infrastructure for the conductance of an Inflow and Infiltration analysis of the City’s sewage collection system. (Vaughan)
F. Consider approving a resolution directing the City Clerk to investigate a petition of annexation for AX24-10 Whites Mill filed by Jennifer Greeson on behalf of Hooper Communities for properties located along Whites Mill Road, between Calvary Baptist Church and Larkin Front Nine.; Receive City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; and Consider passing a resolution fixing a date of October 7, 2024, for a public hearing for the petition for annexation. (Kirkendall)
G. Consider approving a resolution directing the City Clerk to investigate a petition of annexation for AX24-12 SAIA Trucking, filed by SAIA Motor Freight Line for the property located along Winston Avenue and Belfast Road; Receive City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; and Consider passing a resolution fixing a date of October 7, 2024, for a public hearing for the petition for annexation. (Kirkendall)
H. Consider approving a resolution directing the City Clerk to investigate a petition of annexation for AX24-11 Highland Acres filed by Mr. West Hunter, on behalf of Iredell Partners, for the properties located at the southern end of McLaughlin Street; Receive City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; and Consider passing a resolution fixing a date of October 7, 2024, for a public hearing for the petition for annexation. (Kirkendall)
I. Consider recognizing the revenue and appropriating the funds received from the completion of the Lane Construction Corporation lease of the cinema property located on Free Nancy Ave. for costs associated with greenway repair and development in the amount of $17,500 and approve Budget Amendment #2025-06. (Griggs)
J. Consider approving the pricing for the newly installed columbariums at Oakwood Cemetery and authorize the release of a portion of the veterans' section at Belmont Cemetery for non-veteran burials. (Griggs)
K. Consider approving the resolution and lease agreement for 230 Adams Street to ICARE, Inc. for a period of ten years. (Pierce)
L. Consider approving a request to rebrand the Statesville Electric Utilities Department to Statesville Public Power. (Nesbit)
IX. Continue the public hearing and consider passing the first reading of Rezoning Request ZC24-01 Nabors Road; for properties located on Nabors Road and Shiloh Road, Statesville, NC; from Iredell County RA (Residential Agricultural) District to the City of Statesville R-5MF CZ (High Density Multi-Family Residential) Conditional Zoning District. (Caulder)
X. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of an annexation request AX24-08 Nabors Road for properties located on Nabors Road and Shiloh Road. (Hooper)
XI. Conduct a public hearing and consider passing the first reading of rezoning request ZC24-08 Whites Mill for the property located along Whites Mill Road, between Calvary Baptist Church and the Larkin Front Nine Subdivision, Statesville, NC; Iredell County Tax Parcel # 4742-26-2055; from City of Statesville HI (Heavy Industrial) to R-5 CZ (High Density Single-Family Residential Conditional Zoning) District. (Kirkendall)
XII. Conduct a public hearing and and consider passing the first reading of rezoning request ZC24-15 Serene Meadows for the properties located at the intersection of Shelton Ave and Serene Meadow Trail. Statesville, NC; from City of Statesville R-20 (Suburban Residential) District, City of Statesville RA (Residential Agricultural) District and Town of Troutman RS (Suburban Residential) to City of Statesville R-8 CZ (Medium Density Single-Family Residential Conditional Zoning) District. (Kirkendall)
XIII. Consider passing the second reading of rezoning request ZC24-16, filed by Willard Auton, for his property located behind 849 Reynolds Road, Statesville, NC; Iredell County Tax Parcel # 4724-53-7566; from City of Statesville R-20 (Suburban Residential) District to B-5 (General Business) District. (Kirkendall)
XIV. City Manager’s Report
XV. Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes
1. 2024-06-27 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
2. 2024-07-25 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
3. 2024-08-14 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes
4. 2024-08-16 Stormwater Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
5. 2024-08-27 Planning Board Meeting Minutes
XVI. Other Business
XVII. Closed Session (Following Pre-Agenda)
XVIII. Adjournment