The City of Statesville appreciates your interest in serving on a Board, Committee or Commission and requests that you complete the following application. The application will provide general information based on your interest in serving for the Mayor and City Council to consider in making appointments. All members of the City of Statesville Boards, Committees and Commissions are appointed by either the City Council or the Mayor.
If you need more information about a board or the responsibilities, please contact the City Manager’s Office at 704-878-3583. The application must be returned to the City Manager’s Office to be considered for appointment via one of the methods listed below. The volunteer application will remain on file for three (3) years from the date received.
Interested applicants may choose to submit a paper Volunteer Application:
City Government policy prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, creed, national origin, age or handicap. Questions regarding date of birth, gender and race are voluntary.
ABC Board: Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 11:00 AM. Members are appointed by City Council for 3-year terms. The board consists of a chairman and two (2) other members, all of whom must be residents of the city and well known for their character, ability, and business acumen.
Airport Commission: Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12:00 PM and members are appointed by City Council for 3-year terms. The commission is composed of seven (7) voting members. Five (5) of the members are appointed by the City Council. One (1) member of the City Council will be appointed by the Mayor. One (1) member of the County Commission will be appointed by the County Commissioners. No more than three (3) of the seven (7) appointed members may live out of the city limits.
Board of Adjustment: Meets as needed on the 1st Tuesday at 12:30 PM. Members are appointed by City Council for 3-year terms. The board consists of five (5) members who are citizens and residents of the City who will be appointed by the City Council, and one (1) member who is a citizen of Iredell County and resides outside the City, but within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, and who will be appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County.
Civil Service Board: Meets as needed, no set day or time. Members are appointed by Senior Resident Judge of the Superior Court for one 3-year term. The civil service board consists of five (5) members.
Convention & Visitors Bureau: Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM. The board consists of nine (9) members appointed by the City Council for 3-year terms as follows: three (3) individuals who own or operate a hotel or motel in the City of Statesville; four (4) individuals who are currently active in the promotion of travel and tourism in the City of Statesville; two (2) of whom are active in the Statesville community and interested in the promotion of travel and tourism (and is also a resident of the City of Statesville).
Community Appearance Commission: Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM. The commission is composed of eleven (11) members appointed by the Mayor for 3-year terms. All members should be residents of the City's planning and zoning jurisdiction at the time of appointment. Where possible, appointments will be made in such a manner as to maintain on the commission at all times a majority of members who have had special training or experience in a design field, such as architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, arboriculture, city planning or a closely related field.
Design Review Committee: Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM. The committee is composed of five (5) members appointed by the City Council for 3-year terms. Four (4) members are residents of the City's planning and zoning jurisdiction or own a business with the same. One (1) member is an active member on the DSDC Board of Directors.
Historic Preservation Commission: Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. It is a nine-member Commission appointed by the City Council for 3 year terms. A majority of the members of the Commission will demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history, architecture, archaeology, or related fields, and all members shall reside within the zoning jurisdiction of the City.
Planning Board: Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The Planning Board consists of six (8) members who are citizens and residents of the City who are appointed by the City Council for 3-year terms. One (1) member who is a citizen of Iredell County and resides outside the City, but within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, and is appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Iredell County.
Statesville Housing Authority: Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM. Members are appointed by the Mayor for 5-year terms.
Stormwater Advisory Commission: Meets quarterly on the 3rd Thursday at 12:00 PM. Members are appointed by Council for 3-year terms. The Commission is made up of eight to ten voting members who either live in Statesville or who have significant business interests in the City. All should be subject to paying a stormwater management fee.