City of Statesville Proclaims November 30, 2024 as Small Business Saturday
City of Statesville, North Carolina
Office of the Mayor
2024 Small Business Saturday
November 30, 2024
WHEREAS, Small Business Saturday is a nationwide event that takes place annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and is dedicated to supporting small businesses and highlighting the important role that play in our local economy, job creation, and community vitality; and
WHEREAS, small businesses are the backbone of our community, providing unique products, services, and experiences, and contributing to the economic growth and cultural richness of our town; and
WHEREAS, our local Chamber of Commerce plays a critical role in advocating for, supporting, and connecting small businesses throughout the year, working to ensure a strong, dynamic, and resilient local economy; and
WHEREAS, the Statesville Greater Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Statesville Development Corporation work tirelessly to promote small businesses, foster collaboration, and create opportunities for growth, helping to enhance the overall well-being of our community; and
WHEREAS, shopping locally and supporting small businesses not only stimulates the economy, but it also strengthens the connections that bind our community together; and
WHEREAS, we encourage all residents to shop small and support local entrepreneurs, artisans, and retailers, as a means of promoting economic resilience and community together; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Constantine H. Kutteh, Mayor of the City of Statesville, do hereby proclaim November 30, 2024 as Small Business Saturday in the City of Statesville and encourage all residents to make a concerted effort to support and shop at the small business on this day and throughout the year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my Hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Statesville to be affixed this 18th day of November 2024.
Constantine H. Kutteh, Mayor
Watch the Novmeber 18, 2024 Statesville City Council Meeting here