City of Statesville Legal Notice: Public Hearing June 17... That the City Council of the City of Statesville will hold and conduct public hearings on the 17th day of June 2024, at 7:00 o’clock p.m...
Request for Qualifications: Updates to the Unified Devel... The City of Statesville invites qualified, professional firm(s) or organization(s) who can assist the city in its efforts to update, mod...
Statesville Land Development Plan 2045A lot has changed in our community, region, and nation since 2004. To ensure we are planning for a successful future for our beloved Cit...
What you need to know about Housing Conditions in the Ci... In April of this year, during the initial onset of COVID-19 (when we were finding ways to conduct business and help customers virtually)...
City of Statesville Mobility and Development PlanThe Statesville Mobility and Development Plan is an update to the 1997 Thoroughfare Plan. The plan combines a traditional transportatio...
Downtown Statesville + NC 115 StreetscapeLand Use Master Plan: The purpose of the Downtown & NC 115 Streetscape - Land Use Master Plan is to maintain and enhance the aesthetic a...
Statesville CBD + NC 115 Corridor PlanThe Statesville CBD & NC 115 Corridor Plan is a strategic plan intended to encourage reinvestment by commercial property owners, busines...
City of Statesville Land Development PlanThe Land Development Plan is a statement of the City of Statesville's vision for its future and a guide to achieve that vision throughou...
East Side Drive Corridor Small Area Plan, Statesville, NCThe study presented is to be used as a guide for land use decisions for the East Side Drive Corridor. Acceptance of this policy is not t...
East Broad Street Extension Corridor, Statesville, NCThis study is to be used as a policy guide for land use decisions in the East Broad Street Extension Corridor area. Acceptance of this p...
Brookdale, Oakdale, & Hartness Medical Corridor Small Ar... The following study is to be used as a general policy guide for land use and infrastructure
decisions in the Brookdale Drive, Oakdale Dr...
Old Wilkesboro Road Small Area Plan, Statesville, NCThis area plan with development policies applies to properties on Old Wilkesboro Road bounded by the Donaldson property to the south and...