Outdoor Security Lighting is an economical way to deter crime, create an atmosphere for work or play and provides an easy and safe entrance to your home or business at night.
Security Lighting options include 4 types of LED lights:
Available fixtures include open globe, cobra head, and pole mounted flood lights.
The standard installation includes a wood pole, but we do offer a decorative Town and Country fixture as well as fiberglass poles.
In October of 2018, Statesville City Council passed for all bulbed outdoor lights maintained by the Electric Utilities Department to be swapped with LED lighting. This has led to the replacement of all street lights and security/backyard lights. This multi-year process will show the energy efficiency of LED's, along with the true color retention LED's give. The Electric Utilities department is in the process of replacing all outdoor lighting, but if you are interested in changing your outdoor light to LED earlier, please contact us at the number or email address below. Any existing Mercury Vapor, Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium light that needs repaired or replaced will automatically be replaced with the new LED's. All lights will be replaced with LED lights of similar type to the ones being removed.
If you have an existing Outdoor Security Light that is not working, please call 704.761.2371. Remember, if you receive electric service from Energy United or Duke Energy, all security light repairs should be directed to your security lighting provider.