In 1974, Congress established the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect human health from contaminants in drinking water and to prevent contamination of existing groundwater supplies.
This Act and its amendments require that several precautions be taken to protect our drinking water and its sources. To protect our public water supply, backflow prevention assemblies (devices that prevent the backflow of water into the public water system) are required for all businesses connected to the City's water supply. These assemblies help protect the City's drinking water from any back-pressure backflow and back-siphonage backflow.
To keep you or your company on the tester list please remember to send the BFCC Coordinator any updated or new certifications for both the tester and test kits.
Any questions please call the BFCC Coordinator at 704-832-3847.
NOTE: The City offers a backflow assembly testing and maintenance service, subject to certain conditions. To see if you are eligible to participate in this program, download the forms below. The fee for this service will be added to your monthly utility bill and is currently $7 per month per assembly.