The Statesville Planning Board reviews and makes recommendations on planning policies, ordinances, and procedures; advises City Council on the means for carrying out these plans; considers Zoning Ordinance text changes, changes in the zoning designation of properties; major development proposals and major subdivisions of property.
Members appointed for three-year terms by City Council (6) and County Commissioners (2).
This board meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00pm.
Interested in Volunteering on a Board, Committee, or Commission?
The Statesville Planning Board's responsibilities cover a broad base of items. The most common are the rezoning of property and text amendments to the Unified Development Code. The Planning Board also reviews special use permits and plan amendments. All of which the board holds courtesy hearings to receive public input. After the hearings are conducted, the Planning Board then forwards a recommendation such as favorable, favorable with conditions or unfavorable to City Council. In addition, the Planning Board reviews and makes recommendations on planned unit developments, subdivisions and site plans.
Alisha Lane | Chairman |
Bernard Robertson | Vice Chairman |
Roger Bejcek | Member |
Tammy Wyatt | Member |
Mark Tart | Member |
Joel Mashburn | Member |
Vacant | ETJ Representative |
Laury Brown | Alternate |
Kenneth "Trey" Robertson | Alternate |
Amy Lawton | City Council Liaison |
Herman Caulder | Asst. Planning Director/Staff Liaison |