Statesville City Council Meeting 06/20/2022
June 20, 2022
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
Pre-Agenda Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda (Only at Council Meeting)
V. Code of Ethics Pg. 4
VI. Presentations & Recognitions (Only at Council Meeting)
VII. Public Comment (Only at Council Meeting)
VIII. Consent Agenda – All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda
A. Consider approving the 04/25/2022 City Council Special meeting minutes, the 5/16/2022 Council minutes and the 05/18/2022 Council Budget meeting minutes. (Minutes will be sent separately)
B. Consider accepting a grant award from the Iredell County Community Foundations/Foundations for the Carolinas of $5,500 for community training opportunities to be facilitated by the Community Resource Coordinator for the City of Statesville and approve Budget Amendment #2022-42. (Evans) Pg. 7
C. Receive and concur with the recommended Statesville Convention and Visitors Bureau FY2022-2023 budget. (Roberts) Pg. 9
D. Consider approval of changes to the Purchasing Policy/Micro-purchase threshold to align with Uniform Guidance thresholds revised on August 13, 2020. (Roberts) Pg. 11
E. Consider approving Budget Amendment #2022-43 to increase the overall budget of Fund 554 – Water and Sewer Capital Fund. (Roberts) Pg. 13
F. Consider approving the write-off of approximately $3,490 in parking tickets and late penalty fees for parking tickets. (Roberts) Pg. 15
G. Consider approving the semi-annual write-off of approximately $223,005.83 in utility accounts. (Roberts) Pg. 16
H. Consider approving a Resolution for AX22-02, PIN #4734-21-9473, NAR Services Inc. property, Directing the City Clerk to Investigate a Petition of Annexation; Receive the City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; Consider approving a Resolution setting the date of July 18, 2022, for a public hearing for the petition of annexation. (Ashley) Pg. 17
I. Consider approving a Resolution for AX22-03 directing the City Clerk to Investigate a Petition for Annexation; Receive the City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; Consider approving a resolution setting the date of July 18, 2022, for a public hearing for the petition for annexation. Annexation request AX22-03 is for Davis & Davis Buffalo Properties, PIN #’s 4734-11-0248, 4723-89-7998, 4734-10-0436, 4734-20-1073, 4734-20- 4406 & 4733-09-8888. (Ashley) Pg. 27
J. Consider approving a Resolution for AX22-11, PIN #4745-77-4735, Clark Equipment Co. DBA Doosan Bobcat Property, directing the City Clerk to investigate a petition of annexation; Receive the City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; Consider approving a Resolution setting the date of July 18, 2022, for a public hearing for the petition for annexation. (Ashley) Pg. 40
K. Consider approving 2nd reading of an Ordinance for AX22-07 to annex properties located on Cambridge Place PIN #’s 4765-32-6724, 4765-32-5716 & 4765-32-3788 Helmsman Homes LLC Properties. (Ashley) Pg. 51
L. Consider approving a request from the Statesville Police Department to receive grant funding from the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program (GHSP) for year three that will provide 70% funding for fiscal year October 1, 2022-September 30, 2023 for salaries and travel/training for two officers in the amount of $92,406 with a 30% match provided by the City of Statesville in the amount of $39,603 and approve a Resolution along with the Agreement of Conditions to accept the GHSP grant. (Navey) Pg. 52
M. Consider directing Electric Department staff to enter into a Line Crew Labor Contract with Utility Partners of America with an initial purchase order amount of $300,000. (Shelton) Pg. 67
N. Consider approving a request to accept Partnership Way for City maintenance. (Taylor) Pg. 68
IX. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving an economic incentive for an industrial development known as Project Spark. (Thomas) Pg. 70
X. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of AX22-09, an ordinance submitted by SL Statesville, LLC to annex properties located on Wall Street, PIN #’s 4743- 69-8546 (portion), 4743-78-1262, 4743-67-9906, 4743-77-2007, 4743-76-3697, 4743-66-3318, 4743-64-4008 & 4743-73-5651. (Ashley) Pg. 71
XI. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of rezoning request ZC22-09 for a property located on US 70/Newton Drive at Candy Drive; Iredell County Tax Parcel Identification #4724-62-6702; from CU-22 LI (Light Industrial) conditional use zoning district to the R-10 (Urban Low Density Residential) District. (Ashley) Pg. 86
XII. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of rezoning request ZC22-11 for a property located on US 70/Salisbury Hwy near Business Park Drive; Iredell County Tax Parcel ID #4763-91-3905; from Iredell County RA (Residential Agricultural) district to City of Statesville HI (Heavy Industrial) District. (Ashley) Pg. 106
XIII. Receive an updated “Economic Development Discretionary Grant Policy” and a new “Industrial Development Grant Policy” for consideration and adoption. (Bosser) Pg. 125
XIV. Consider reappointments and/or appointments to the Planning Board to fill four expiring terms ending on June 30, 2022. Three are Regular member positions; one is an Alternate member position. (Berger) Pg. 138
XV. Staff is requesting that the change of the Rate Schedule for taxi cabs be included in the annual rate review by City Council. (Onley) Pg. 148
XVI. Receive an update on the Warehouse / Operations Center project and consider authorizing IBI Group to solicit bids for construction of Phases 1 and 2. (Harrell) Pg. 151
XVII. Consider approving first reading of an Ordinance modifying City Code Section 21-83 – Sidewalks, Curb and Gutter and Section 21-83.1 – Sidewalks and Roadway Improvement Plan, Fee in Lieu of Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters. (Harrell) Pg. 153
XVIII. Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of TA22-02 filed by the City of Statesville to amend Article 1. - Administration, Section 1.04 - Responsibilities for Application of Code, D. City Engineer, Article 8. - Public Facilities Requirements, Section 8.06 - Streets, B. Street Design, 1. and 11., G. Other Improvements.1. and Article 9 – Definitions. (Ashley) Pg. 157
XIX. Consider adopting a Sidewalk Project Prioritization and associated Funding Strategy. (Harrell) Pg. 160
XX. Consider appointing two regular members to the Downtown Design Review Committee. (Ashley) Pg. 165
XXI. Boards and Commission Meeting Minutes Pg. 169
1. 05/26/2022 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes
2. 05/19/2022 Stormwater Commission Meeting Minutes
XXII. Other Business
XXIII. Closed Session (After Pre-Agenda if needed)
XXIV. Adjournment