Statesville City Council Meeting 12/05/2022
December 5, 2022
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
Pre-Agenda Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
I Call to Order
II Invocation (Only at Council Meeting)
III Pledge of Allegiance (Only at Council Meeting)
IV Adoption of the Agenda (Only at Council Meeting)
V Code of Ethics Pg. 3
VI Presentations & Recognitions Pg. 6
1. Proclamation - NC Aviation Week – December 17-24, 2022
VII Consent Agenda – All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the November 21, 2022 Pre-Agenda, City Council and Strategic Planning Workshop meeting minutes. (Fugett) Pg. 7
B. Consider approving an increase of $300,000 to the existing Line Crew Labor Contract with Utility Partners of America. (Shelton) Pg. 19
C. Consider approving 2nd reading of AX22-06, an ordinance to annex the property located on East Greenbriar Road PIN #4754-23-6335 CL Sharpe Heirs & Bettye Tull Property/Greenbriar Ridge. (Ashley) Pg. 20
D. Consider approving a Resolution directing the City Clerk to Investigate a Petition of Annexation for PIN #4765-32-2779; Case No. AX22-18, LandQuest Carolinas, LLC property; Receive the City Clerk’s Certificate of Sufficiency; Consider approving a Resolution fixing the date of December 19, 2022, for a public hearing for the Petition for Annexation. (Ashley) Pg. 21
E. Consider accepting a restricted donation from Opus Financial Advisors of $4,500 for sponsorship of the annual Greensboro Symphony Holiday Pops event and approve Budget Amendment #2023-22. (Griggs) Pg. 31
F. Consider approving the write-off of approximately $655.00 in parking tickets and $9,300.00 in penalty fees for parking tickets. (Roberts) Pg. 33
G. Consider approving the semi-annual write-off of approximately $95,467.71 in utility accounts. (Roberts) Pg. 34
VIII Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of rezoning request ZC22- 24 for property located at the end of Morland Drive; Iredell County Tax Parcel #4743-86-0887 from B-2 CU-36 (Neighborhood Business Conditional Use) District to B-2 CZ (Neighborhood Business Conditional Zoning) District, Change of Conditions. (Ashley) Pg. 35
IX Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of AX22-15, an ordinance to annex property located at 1446 N Barkley Road, PIN #4743-87-3668 Fulton BSH SVNC II LLC Property (Storage Sense Expansion). (Ashley) Pg. 70
X Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of AX22-17, an ordinance to annex the property located at 128 Wallace Springs Road, PIN #4733-87-3355, the Joseph Scott Duncan Property. (Ashley) Pg. 79
XI Conduct a public hearing and consider approving first reading of TA22-03: Text Amendments to the Unified Development Code filed by the City of Statesville to amend Articles 1. Administration, Article 2. Development Review Process, Article 3. Zoning, Article 4. Non-Conforming Situations, Article 5. Supplemental Regulations/Performance Standards for Specific Uses, Article 6. Development Standards, Article 8. Public Facilities Requirements, Article 9. Definitions and Article 10. Appendices stamp for plats. (Ashley) Pg. 88
XII Consider approving a Resolution of Support for NCDOT to abandon maintenance of Wall Street as it is a state roadway. Consider approving a Resolution of Intent to permanently close a portion of right-of-way known as Wall Street and schedule a Public Hearing for January 09, 2023. (Ashley) Pg. 229
XIII Receive an update on the Sanitation Division study performed by Kessler Consulting Inc. (Taylor) Pg. 240
XIV Consider approving a five-year lease with Champion Air for a hangar and office space. (Ferguson) Pg. 245
XV Receive an update on the Warehouse/Operations Center project and consider approving Budget Amendment 2023-21. (Harrell) Pg. 280
XVI Consider making four regular member appointments to the Historic Preservation Commission. (Ashley) Pg. 283
XVII City Manager’s Report
XVIII Advisory Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes Pg. 293
1. 10/12/2022 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes
2. 11/10/2022 Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes
XIX Other Business
XX Closed Session
XXI Adjournment