Statesville City Council Meeting 02/06/2023
February 6, 2023
City Hall - 227 S. Center Street, Statesville, NC
Workshop Session- Iredell Statesville School s- 5:00 PM - City Hall 3rd Floor Conference Room
Pre-Agenda Meeting – 6:00 p.m. – City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room
Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
I Call to Order
II Invocation
III Pledge of Allegiance
IV Adoption of the Agenda
V Code of Ethics Pg. 3
VI Presentations & Recognitions Pg. 6
1. Proclamation – Black History Month – 2023
2. Introduce newly sworn in Police Officers.
CONSENT AGENDA VII All items below are considered to be routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered with the other items listed in the Regular Agenda.
A. Consider approving the January 09, 2022 Pre-Agenda and City Council meeting minutes. (Fugett) Pg. 7 & 11
B. Consider approving the addition of one full time Airport Line Technician and one full time Airport Groundskeeper to Airport staff. (Ferguson) Pg. 21
C. Consider approving Work Authorization No. 16 for Runway 10 Safety Area Improvements additional construction services in the amount of $294,395.00. This will be covered 100% by the existing grant. (Ferguson) Pg. 22
D. Consider approving 2nd reading of AX22-19, an ordinance to annex the property located on Candy Drive, PIN #4724-62-6702, owned by Locke-Lane Properties LLC (Bristol Terrace). (Ashley) Pg. 23
E. Consider approving 2nd reading of rezoning request ZC22-25 Airport Park for properties located at 2507 and 2511 Newton Drive; Tax Parcel #’s 4724-72-2785, 4724-71-3753, and 4724-71-7836 portion; from LI (Light Industrial) District to R-10 CZ (Urban Low Density Residential Conditional Zoning) District. (Ashley) Pg. 24
F. Consider approving the budgeted purchase of an emergency bypass pump by “piggybacking” a previous bid in accordance with NCGS 143-129 (g). (Vaughan) Pg. 28
G. Consider approving an ordinance establishing a “No Parking Zone” on the east side of S. Oak St. (100 block). (Onley) Pg. 29
VIII Conduct a public hearing and consider approving an economic incentive in the amount of up to $215,793 over five years based upon an investment by the company of up to $10,800,000 for an industrial development known as Project Flow. (Thomas/Bosser) Pg. 35
IX Consider accepting a bid from RTS Water Solutions, LLC for completing the conversion to AMI water meters; Consider allocating additional program funds to purchase water meters for upcoming operational requirements (new water services, sewer only services) and to provide software for a Work Order Management System; Consider approving Budget Amendment #2023-26. (Vaughan) Pg. 36
X Consider approving a contract with Country Boy Landscaping, Inc. for the Earlwood Road Culvert Replacement and Sewer Relocation and approving Budget Amendment 2023-27. (Moore) Pg. 39
XI City Manager’s Report XII Advisory Boards Meeting Minutes - Pg. 42
1. 12/14/2022 Airport Commission Meeting Minutes
2. 01/04/2023 Technical Review Committee Meeting Minutes
3. 01/12/2023 Downtown Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes
XIII Other Business
XIV Closed Session
XV Adjournment