Spring Fever: 12 Energy Saving Tips for Spring in Statesville, NC

Spring in Statesville, North Carolina is beautiful isn't it!

With the start of the spring season comes a fresh opportunity to find ways to save energy {and money}. So, as spring rolls in, it is time to perform some seasonal maintenance around your home. Throughout the winter, snow, ice, and strong winds could have impacted your home’s energy efficiency.

Having an energy-efficient home ensures you consume less electricity and in return, helps you lower your power bills.

12 Energy Saving Tips for Spring:

Check out these 12 Energy Saving Tips for Spring:

1. Service Your Air Conditioner

The average home spends 12% or more of its total energy usage on air conditioning. Debris around the unit can affect its efficiency, making it work harder to keep your home cool. Easy maintenance, such as routinely replacing or cleaning air filters, can lower the cooling system’s energy consumption by up to 15%. Spring can also be a good reminder to check the air conditioner evaporator coil. The coil should be cleaned annually to ensure the system is performing at an optimal level.

2. Open Windows & Use Ceiling Fans

Opening windows creates a breeze! This allows you to naturally cool your home - without turning on the air conditioners. This is ideal in spring when temperatures are generally milder. Not only will this help you lower your heating costs, it also allows your home to air out any built-up pollutants or humidity.

Cooling your home with ceiling fans could allow you to raise your thermostat four degrees. This can help lower your electricity bills without sacrificing overall comfort.

3. Install Window Treatments

Energy efficient window treatments or coverings such as blinds, drapes, shades and films can reduce heat gain when temperatures rise. They not only improve the look of your home but also reduce energy costs.

4. Open Window Treatments or Blinds

During daylight hours, turn off the artificial lights and use windows and skylights to brighten your home.

5. Cook Outside

Cooking outdoor is a great way to keep the kitchen cool. So, pull out your grill and give it a good clean. If your grill is gas, make sure you have a full tank and check the lines for any holes or cracks.

6. Clean Off Refrigerator Coils

Warmer weather means more dust, pollen, and pet hair will collect on the coils of your refrigerator. This makes the refrigerator work less efficiently. A long-handled brush is perfect tool for dusting and cleaning coils on the bottom or back of the refrigerator.

7. Change Settings for Lights On a Timer

You may have set indoor or outdoor lights on a timer so they are lit when you get home in the evenings. Now that the afternoons are getting longer, you may want to reset those lights for later or turn the timer off altogether. Only using your lights when you need them will bring down your total energy usage.

8. Set The Thermostat

On those warm days, set a programmable thermostat to a higher setting when you are not at home. This can help reduce your energy costs by approximately 10%.

9. Switch Bathroom Fans On

Bathroom fans pull out the heat and humidity from your home, improving comfort.

10. Lower the Water Heater Temperature

As our warm weather returns, it could be time to lower the water heater temperature. According to the Department of Energy, your hot water heater could cost you $400 annually, or more. Turning down the temperature by 20 degrees could bring that cost down and will not have a big impact on how hot your water feels. Your water heater also won’t need to work as long and will use less electricity.

11. Examine Roof and Siding

Wind, cracking ice or downed tree limbs could have loosened shingles or the siding on your home. This can create small gaps that let outside air or bugs inside and your temperature-controlled air escape. You can often fix minor issues yourself, but should contact a professional for major repairs. Be sure to take all necessary safety precautions.

12. Caulk Windows and Doors to Seal Cracks and Seal Ducts

Air loss through ducts could lead to high electricity costs. This could account for nearly 30% of a cooling system’s energy consumption. Sealing and insulating ducts can go a long way toward lowering your electricity bills. As with your roof and siding, harsh winter weather could have damaged the seals around your doors and windows. The gaps can let cool air sneak out, impacting the overall energy efficiency of your home. Check to make sure you don’t see or feel any cracks. Use a caulking gun to fill them if you do.

About the City Of Statesville:

The City of Statesville is truly a diverse community that welcomes new people, new voices and ideas, new industry, and business. We have already made significant investments in our downtown amenities, our business sector, our schools, our infrastructure, and more is on the horizon. We are creating a dynamic future for ourselves as we build on our successful history and the positive energy we experience today, all the while incorporating the values and quality of life that we cherish. To learn more visit www.statesvillenc.net.

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