Statesville Historic Preservation Commission December 19, 2024 Called Meeting
DATE: December 12, 2024
TO: Statesville Historic Preservation Commission
CC: Sherry Ashley, Planning Director; Herman Caulder, Assistant Planning Director
FROM: Marci Sigmon, Planner II
SUBJECT: Called Meeting
The Statesville Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a called meeting on December 19, 2024, beginning at 7:00pm. The meeting will be located at 227 South Center Street in the Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor.
1. Welcome
2. Roll Call
3. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-30) from William Scott Brown to replace the roofing material on the front porch of the house and front portion of the standalone garage with standing seam metal roofing materials on the property located at 421 Walnut Street; Tax Map 4734-84-6810.
4. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-31) from Thomas Rice to replace the tin metal roofing material with asphalt shingles on the house located at 528 West Sharpe Street; Tax Map 4734-83-2835.
5. Consider Certificate of Appropriateness (COA24-32) from Rob and Marian Kimball to build an expanded deck in the rear yard and place a spa within the new deck area on the property located at 541 Davie Avenue; Tax Map 4744-28-0053.
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment