The Statesville Downtown Design Review Committee was created in 2008.
This committee is composed of five (5) members appointed by the City Council for 3-year terms. Four (4) members are residents of the City's planning and zoning jurisdiction or own a business with the same. One (1) member is an active member on the DSDC Board of Directors.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Interested in Volunteering on a Board, Committee, or Commission?
The City of Statesville Downtown Design Review Committee was created in 2008. The committee was put in place by the City Council due to changes occurring on exterior facades of historic structures located in downtown. The Design Review Committee (DRC) reviews changes made in the CB: Community Business, CBP: Community Business Perimeter and the Downtown Municipal Service District.
The Downtown Design Review Committee has several responsibilities including protecting the architectural integrity of Statesville's Downtown Structures. To meet that responsibility, the committee reviews applications from property owners for permits to make certain kinds of exterior changes within the CB, CBP or Downtown Tax District Area. Applications are reviewed to determine if the proposed changes are consistent with the Committee's criteria and design guidelines. Other committee responsibilities include recommending to City Council any Demolition request of a structure located in the CB, CBP or Downtown Tax District.
The Commission is currently made up of five members appointed by City Council.
*Click on the appropriate link below for additional details or to submit your request
Design Review Committee Application |
Design Review Committee Application of Code |
Design Review Committee Review Area |
Design Review Committee Rules of Procedure |
Downtown Statesville Design Guidelines |