
The City of Statesville operates under the council-manager form of government. The City Council acts as the legislative body in establishing policy and law and the City Manager handles the day-to-day management of the City organization. The Mayor and City Council serve part-time and are elected on a non-partisan basis. The Mayor is elected at-large (city-wide) for a four-year term and serves as the presiding officer at city council meetings and as the official head of the city for ceremonial purposes. The City Council appoints a professional City Manager, who serves as the Council's chief adviser, and the City Manager appoints the employees of the City.

The City Manager is the CEO of the City government and is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the City. When the City Council makes a decision on an ordinance, law, or policy, the City Manager is responsible for implementing those policies. The Manager coordinates the operations of all City departments and is responsible for the preparation of a proposed operating budget and its presentation to the City Council. This annual budget, as adopted by Council, provides funding, staffing, and general guidance to the City departments for the fiscal year.

The council-manager form has become the most popular type of local government in the United States in communities with a population of 5,000 or greater. North Carolina cities and counties helped pioneer the form and all North Carolina local governments of significant size operate under this form of government.

The City of Statesville is truly a diverse community that welcomes new people, new voices and ideas, new industry, and business. We have already made significant investments in our downtown amenities, our business sector, our schools, our infrastructure…and more is on the horizon.

About Statesville

The City of Statesville operates under the council-manager form of government. The City Council acts as the legislative body in establishing policy and law and the City Manager handles the day-to-day management of the City organization.

City Council

Statesville Citizens are appointed to serve on a variety of boards, commissions, and committees that are very important to the working our our City.

Boards & Commisions

Various government resources are available to individuals and businesses. Governments at different levels—local, state, and federal—provide a range of services and support to meet the needs of their constituents.

Government Resources

Code of Ordinances: Unlike a stature, or state law, an ordinance is a local law that is passed by municipal governing authorities, such as a City Council. Ordinances apply to local jurisdiction, as opposed to the entire state.

City Code

The City of Statesville is committed to transparency and providing easy access to public records in compliance with North Carolina’s Public Records Law. We strive to ensure that government records are available to the public.

Public Records Request

The City of Statesville publishes legal notices such as bid opportunities and sale of City owned land.

Legal Notices

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Latest City of Statesville News:

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Statesville Historic Preservation Commission December 19... The Statesville Historic Preservation Commission will conduct a called meeting on December 19, 2024, beginning at 7:00pm. The meeting wi...

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