Community Appearance Commission

The Statesville Community Appearance Commission is composed of eleven (11) members appointed by the Mayor for 3-year terms. All members should be residents of the City's planning and zoning jurisdiction at the time of appointment. Where possible, appointments will be made in such a manner as to maintain on the commission at all times a majority of members who have had special training or experience in a design field, such as architecture, landscape architecture, horticulture, arboriculture, city planning or a closely related field.

Meetings are held at the Statesville Fitness & Activity Center on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 12:00 PM, except in July and December. 

Interested in Volunteering on a Board, Committee, or Commission?

Statesville Community Appearance Commission Members:

Ann SpeaksChair
Lee Delinger
Arna Deter
Sherry Harris
Anita Johnston
William Pitt
Arnold Watt
Re Johnson
Beverly Ratcliff
Eric Ciampanella

Lynn MillerStaff Liaison
Shawn CoxCity Arborist
Robin SprinkleSecretary

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