Technical Review Committee January 3, 2024 MeetingThe Technical Review Committee meets twice a month, the first and third Wednesday of the month.
Hello Statesville 12/31/2023Stay informed on the upcoming recycling schedule, holiday garbage collection changes, special dates and events, emergency information an...
Formal RFQ-TransformersSealed bid for furnishing Transformers, will be sent out on December 28, 2023 and will be received by the City of Statesville at the Cit...
Hello Statesville 12/24/2023Stay informed on the upcoming recycling schedule, holiday garbage collection changes, special dates and events, emergency information an...
Advertisement for Formal Bid of TransformersThe City of Statesville will be sending out a formal sealed bid for furnishing transformers on December 28, 2023.
Statesville Mayor, Costi Kutteh, Year End ReviewFollowing the pandemic, the "new normal" in Statesville is in full swing. While zoom meetings are hardly a thing of the past, more and m...
CANCELED: Board of Adjustments January 2024 MeetingThe Statesville Board of Adjustment’s regularly scheduled meeting for January 2, 2024 is cancelled, there being no items for consideration.
Hello Statesville 12/17/2023Stay informed on the upcoming recycling schedule, holiday garbage collection changes, special dates and events, emergency information an...
Technical Review Committee Meeting December 20, 2023 AgendaTechnical Review Committee Meeting for the City of Statesville is planned for December 20th , 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Statesville City Council Meeting 12/18/2023Statesville City Council will meet on December 18, 2023 in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Santa Central Delights Families at Statesville City Hall!On Thursday, December 8, 2023, Santa Central welcomed families for an evening filled with joy, laughter, and festive activities that mad...
Statesville Planning Board 12/19/2023 Meeting AgendaThe Statesville Planning Board will hold a meeting on December 19, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 227 South Cen...