City of Statesville Informal Request for Quote (RFQ): El... The City of Statesville Regional Airport is seeking quotes for an electric tug. We are accepting quotes for both a new tug and a remanuf...
City of Statesville Formal Re-Bid for Furnishing WireThis is a Formal RE-BID for Wire. Sealed bid for furnishing Wire, will be sent out on June 14, 2024, and will be received by the City of...
Re-Bid: Invitation to Bid (ITB) - Street Improvement Pro... Sealed bid proposals for Street Improvement Project-Statesville Resurfacing 2024-2025 will be sent out on May 17th, 2024 and will be rec...
Re-Bid: Invitation to Bid (ITB) - Formal Median and Curb... Re-bid ITB-FORMAL MEDIAN AND CURB INSTALLATION Sealed bids for concrete curb/median installation with roadway markings within the City o...
ITB - Sunningdale Ln Culvert ReplacementInvitation To Bid (ITB) for a culvert replacement will be received by the City of Statesville at the City Office Building 1st floor Engi...
City of Statesville Re-bidding for Megby Connection ProjectThe City of Statesville is requesting bids to grade, base, and pave for a roadway connection along with curb & gutter, drainage, & sidew...
City of Statesville Advertisement for Bids: TransformersSealed bid for furnishing Transformers, will be sent out on April 29, 2024, and will be received by the City of Statesville at the City ...
Invitation to Bid: Megby ConnectionThe City of Statesville is requesting bids to grade, base, and pave for a roadway connection along with curb & gutter, drainage, & sidew...
Invitation to Bid: Demolition of 2 StructuresThe City of Statesville is requesting proposals from qualified bidders for the demolition of two structures located at 124 (PIN# # 4744-...
Re-bid - Informal Request for Proposal to Restripe Exist... The City of Statesville is seeking proposals from companies to restripe existing roadways within the City.
Invitation to Bid (ITB): Valve repair/replace on clarifi... The City of Statesville is seeking sealed Invitation to Bid (ITB) for Valve repair/replace on clarifier drain line for Wastewater Treatm...
Invitation to Bid (ITB) - Rubber Surface for Splash PadThe City of Statesville is seeking bids for the replacement of the playsafer rubber surfacing of the splash pad located at 1875 Simonton Rd.