Be Electric DayThere is tremendous value in public power, and it's so much bigger than just energy. It's the lifeblood that enables growth within commu...
Celebrating Exceptional Service: Customer Service Day at... In Statesville, we mark Customer Service Day with thanks for the dedicated team at the City of Statesville Customer Service Center . Thi...
Celebrating National Cut Your Energy Costs Day in States... Today marks an important occasion for our community in Statesville – it's National Cut Your Energy Costs Day! As we embark on this day d...
Stay Cozy this Winter: Top 12 Energy Saving Tips for WinterTop 12 Energy Saving Tips for Winter in Statesville, NC!
City of Statesville Provides Update for 11/13/2023 Power... City of Statesville Electric Utilities Customers: We would like to provide you with additional details regarding the power outage that o...
City of Statesville AMI Water Meter Upgrades - Final PhaseThe last phase of the City's Automated Meter Initiative (AMI) project will begin on Monday, May 22nd. RTS Water Solutions, LLC is the au...
National Work Zone Awareness WeekA work zone refers to an area where roadwork is being carried out and may involve lane closures, detours, and moving equipment. Unfortun...
Value of Public PowerWith a 99.98% reliability rating, even when the power does go out, the outage lasts, on average, only about one-third the time of other ...
National Engineers WeekDay in and day out, Engineers here in Statesville, North Carolina work to sustain and innovate around the power we need to live our ever...
Electricities Board of Directors Sworn into OfficeStatesville Mayor Costi Kutteh, re-elected to the board in November 2022, was also elected to serve as secretary during the meeting in J...
NC Green PowerNC GreenPower is a statewide program designed to improve the quality of the environment by encouraging the development of renewable ener...
TempTracker 365™ records daily high and low temperatures... TempTracker 365 is a service offered by ElectriCities and the City of Statesville, to help you understand the link between the weather a...