Statesville Public Works

Welcome to the Public Works Department, your hub for all things related to Engineering, Sanitation, Stormwater Management, Adopt-A-Street Initiatives, Street Maintenance, and Fleet Management for the City of Statesville.

The importance of the Public Works Department lies in its ability to ensure the seamless functioning of our urban environment, promoting health, safety, and sustainability.

Contact Us

The Adopt-A-Street Program in Statesville, North Carolina is a partnership between the City of Statesville NC and its merchants and its residents. Groups or individuals agree to adopt an area and to take responsibility for keeping the street and the sidewalk clean.


The Street Division is responsible for maintaining a safe & dependable street system, allowing citizens & visitors alike to travel safely & efficiently.

They coordinate maintenance for all City owned streets, sidewalks, & related infrastructure.


The Fleet Maintenance Division of the City of Statesville plays a pivotal role in ensuring the functionality and reliability of the city's extensive array of vehicles and equipment. From police vehicles to sanitation trucks, we are entrusted with the maintenance, customization, and acquisition processes for all city-owned units.

Fleet Management

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Hello Statesville 12/29/2024Stay informed on the upcoming recycling schedule, holiday garbage collection changes, special dates and events, emergency information an...
Front & Center: Keeping You Informed of City of Statesvi... Weekly updates from the desk of April Nesbit, Public Information Officer for the City of Statesville. Continue reading for updates for t...
Hello Statesville 12/22/2024Stay informed on the upcoming recycling schedule, holiday garbage collection changes, special dates and events, emergency information an...

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